1975 Founded as a graphic studio by Dieter Scherer in Nuremberg Germany
1978 Move to new manufacturing and business office in Fuerth
1980 First official construction of complete exhibition stand
1982 First exhibition booth in China
1990 Move to the new company building Hermann-Glockner-Straße
1991 Extension of the manufacturing facility and warehouse
1992 Another extension of the warehouse and more office space
1993 First multiple booth set up at a single convention
1998 Officially recognized as event organizing company by the
Federal Ministry for Economics and Technology
2003 Foundation of the atelier scherer fair consulting gmbh
2005 Founding of atelier scherer china in Hong Kong and Shanghai
2006 Expansion of the representative office Shanghai into a WFOE
2006 Takeover of atelier scherer china by Philipp Scherer
2008 atelier scherer china moves to new manufacturing and storage facility
2009 Another move from atelier scherer china to expand capacity
2010 Stephan Scherer to takeover atelier Scherer fair consulting
2011 German manufacturing facility becomes DIN ISO 9001 certified
2012 Another relocation of atelier scherer china to increase capacity again
2014 German manufacturing facility becomes DIN ISO 14001 certified
2016 Conversion of atelier scherer into a GmbH
2016 Another move by atelier scherer china to expand capacity